• A reminder: Jan. 21-24 are testing days at Liberty High School. High school students must attend only on days they have exams scheduled. CTE students are expected to attend their programs at Sullivan County BOCES. The normal schedule is in effect for middle and elementary school students. The exam schedule has been adjusted to account for the two-hour delays on Tuesday and Wednesday and closure Thursday. Click here for more information on the testing days.
  • A new temporary traffic pattern is in effect at Liberty Elementary School. Please see details of new traffic pattern here.

Liberty Central School District: Strategic Plan 2022-2027

Our Mission

The mission of the Liberty Central School District is to empower each student to
contribute and thrive in a diverse community by pursuing their potential.

Our Vision

Cultivating trust and courage to be innovative and to persevere.

Our Beliefs

Our mission and vision represent our core values and our dedication to remain
innovative, forward thinking and focused on all students.

To that end, we believe in:

  • Committing to fiscal responsibility.
  • Providing physical and emotional safety for all.
  • Partnering with educators, families and community for all students’ success.
  • Delivering a robust educational program PreK-12.
  • Fostering a sense of belonging.
  • Ensuring all students have the necessary resources to be successful.

A Message from the Superintendent

Dear Liberty,

Leading Liberty into the future has created a sense of excitement for the Liberty Central School District’s Board of Education and the district’s leadership. To effectively lead Liberty into the future, the BOE and administration decided to create a long-term strategic plan that will drive the district’s work for years to come. This plan will guide us as we collaboratively work with a shared vision.

During the 2021-2022 school year, with the support of educational consultant PLC Associates, the district implemented a strategic planning process, which included the creation of a core team and four task forces addressing issues of importance as identified by our community as well as a report that outlines specific short- and long-term goals.

The purpose of this plan is to help our district enhance the educational opportunities we offer by coherently aligning our purpose. After receiving constructive feedback from our school community, we were able to identify our “why” or, in other words, our purpose. From the resounding feedback from our stakeholders, it is evident that our “why” or purpose is to cultivate lifelong lead learners who empathetically achieve as students and global citizens.

I am proud to present Liberty’s strategic plan. I especially want to thank all of the individuals from the Liberty school community who provided their time, passion and expertise to help us create a plan that is both achievable and essential to our success.

As we move forward, we will all have to be cognizant of the importance of implementing this plan. This plan is a living document that will not only influence our students in preparation for their futures, but also will influence our school community over the next several years. We are excited to get started and look forward to the continued support and feedback from our school community.

Best regards,

Dr. Patrick Sullivan

Superintendent of Schools

Task Force: Coherence

Read more on the Coherence pillar of the plan here.

Strategic Intents, Strategies and Action Plans

Strategic Intent #1:

By June 2027, create and align 100% of applicable district procedures involving the fluid movement of information and expectations throughout all buildings evidenced by annual perception data.

Action Plans

1.1 Create consistent Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) processes that use data to influence instruction and student achievement.
  • Create consistent MTSS processes that use data to influence instruction and student achievement (Focusing Direction)
  • Assess student success at regular intervals, review data, and teaching teams collaboratively adapt instructional practices. (Secure Accountability)
  • Assess student performance tri-annually with Star Renaissance to evaluate progress.
  • Meetings for checks and balances, what is working, and what needs improvement or revision. (Securing Accountability)
1.2 Create and use guidelines for which staff systematically collaborate to improve the learning experiences and achievement of all students.
  • Align and create procedures for fluid movement of information and expectations throughout all buildings. (Focusing Direction)
  • Create venues and/or opportunities for transparent conversations among leadership, staff, students, and the community. (Collaborative Culture)
  • Engage in vertical alignment/articulation meetings two to three times a year where best practices and a deeper understanding of past and future curricula. (Deepen Learning)
  • Share creative ideas to enhance learning for students (Deepen Learning)
  • Meeting mediation and/or facilitation training for better facilitation of ideas and concerns during collaborative meetings (PLCs, Staff Development Meetings, BLT meetings, etc). (Deepen Learning)
  • Meetings for checks and balances, what is working, and what needs improvement or revision. (Securing Accountability)
1.3 Ensure all returning and new staff have access and understand the procedures and policies in the district.
  • Strengthen the new staff onboarding (Deepen Learning)
  • Enhancing mentor programming to assist with building collective self-efficacy (Deepen Learning)
  • Create a protocol to review procedures and policies with all staff on an annual basis. (Focus Direction)

Task Force: Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)

Read more about the MTSS pillar of the plan here

Strategic Intents, Strategies and Action Plans

Strategic Intent #1:

By 2027, Liberty Central School District will have a comprehensive MTSS  model that equitably supports ALL students, including those at-risk academically, students needing language acquisition, and students needing enrichment, based upon serving a community of diverse cultural and socio-economic needs.

Action Plans:

  1.  The District will implement common Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 academic interventions for grades K-8
  2. WIGS (Behavior/Learning Goals developed by student for student)
  3. Student Led Conferences
  4. More focus on enrichment for students in the 80-99 percentile. Activities for enrichment: Odyssey of the Mind, Project the Lead the Way, SCILL, Maker’s Space classes for “gifted” students, Summer Enrichment opportunities.
  5. After school tutoring starting on or before October 1.
  6. Ensure stakeholders understand exactly what MTSS is and that they understand it includes ALL students
  7. Kindergarten-specific Support/MTSS Team (composed of Kindergarten, PK and first grade teachers plus reading and math specialist) meets every five to six weeks to identify and discuss struggling students.

Strategic Intent #2:

By 2027, Liberty Central School District will have a comprehensive MTSS  model that equitably supports ALL students, including those at-risk socially, emotionally and behaviorally, based upon serving a community of diverse cultural and socio-economic needs.

Action Plans:

  1. The District will implement common Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 SEL/behavior interventions for grades K-12
  2. Volunteer Adult Mentoring Program for Tier 2 and 3 students
  3. Restorative Practices
  4. Student Led Conferences
  5. Shared student notes file (access given to all people who work with student) where notes and strategies can be recorded

Strategic Intent #3:

The District will implement post benchmark data analysis meetings that require at least three data points (Academic/SEL Screener and two additional data points) to identify or refer students to Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions through vertically articulated Student Support/MTSS meetings that are regularly scheduled and attended.

Action Plans

  1. Universal SEL screener
  2. Implement a district-wide dashboard to longitudinally track students
  3. Ensure stakeholders understand exactly what MTSS is and that they understand it includes ALL students
  4. Fund before/after school meetings due to limited time during the day. It is difficult to fit all the students in and the meetings do not end up being timely

Task Force: Culture

Read more about the Culture pillar here.

Strategic Intents, Strategies and Action Plans

Strategic Intent #1:

By 2027, all policies, procedures, and communication will encompass the key elements of the district’s mission and vision as evidenced by perception survey data.

Action Plans:

  1. Communicate the mission and vision of the district with all stakeholders
  2. Empower students to take an active role in their education and community
  3. Recognize and encompass the cultures and diversity of all stakeholders in district events, instruction, and communication
  4. Communicate district policies and procedures to support student, staff, and families
  5. Publicize the Liberty Social Emotional Learning program throughout the district and the community.

Task Force: Curriculum

Read more about our Curriculum pillar here.

Strategic Intents, Strategies and Action Plans

Strategic Intent #1:

By June 2027, 100% of PreK-12 curriculum will be vertically and horizontally aligned to meet all New York State standards for all content areas as evidenced by improved student outcomes (in all subgroups) on NYS and local assessments and an increased graduation rate.

Action Plans:

1.1 Design a guaranteed and viable curriculum Prek-12
  •  Curriculum review
  • Create entry/exit criteria for each grade level PreK-12
  • Identify Master Standards by grade level content or course PreK-12
  • Identify non-negotiables by content and grade level
  • Implement Student Led Conferences K-12
  • Report card alignment with Next Gen Standards
  • Research, calibrate and implement consistent best grading practices PreK-12
1.2 Implement a guaranteed and viable curriculum Prek-12
  • Tier 1 focus on consistent PreK-12 implementation of specialized strategies
  • Explicit Direct Instruction
  • Specially Designed Instruction
  • Research-based Instructional Strategies
  • Academic Conversations
  • Tier 2 and Tier 3
  • Identify Tier 2 and Tier 3 programs to implement K-12
  • Embed Tier 2 and 3 strategies into curriculum maps

Strategic Intent #2:

By June 2027, 100% of the administrators and teachers will use identified data protocols to analyze content area assessment results, identify student gaps and strengths in order to grow students (in all subgroups) to a new level of performance.

Action Plans:

1.1 Analyze curriculum Prek-12
  • Develop a curriculum management plan to analyze and review curriculum implementation
1.2 Analyze common assessment data
  • Identify vertically and horizontally aligned data protocols PreK – 12
  • Analyze student performance on assessments
  • Identify gaps and strengths on assessments and align to current standards
  • Adjust maps to reflect current standards, curriculum and Tier 1, 2, 3 effective practices
  • Adjust instructional practices to meet needs of all learners