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2022-2023 District Comprehensive Improvement Plan (DCIP)

The three District priorities for 2022-23 identified in this plan:

  • Priority 1: Provide and deliver a rigorous, relevant and cohesive PreK-12 curriculum.
  • Priority 2: Cultivate an environment that encourages Social Emotional Learning for all students.
  • Priority 3: Nurture an inclusive and equitable environment for all stakeholders.

Click to go directly to each Priority:
Priority 1 | Priority 2| Priority 3

Stakeholder Participation


The DCIP must be developed in consultation with parents, school staff, and others in accordance with §100.11 of Commissioner’s Regulations.


What will the District prioritize to extend success in 2022-23?

Priority 1 | Delivery of a rigorous, relevant and cohesive PreK-12 curriculum

The District’s amended mission/vision statements are:

MISSION: The mission of the Liberty Central School District is to empower each student to contribute and thrive in a diverse community by pursuing their potential.

VISION: Cultivating trust and courage to be innovative and persevere.

Deliver – is to hand over the goal to bring the curriculum to the students

Rigor – ensures students are challenged to develop advanced skills and knowledge

Relevance – helps students see the value of what they're learning

Cohesion – a curriculum that fits together tightly from year to year

When we look at the data we still see gaps in student learning PreK-12. We have had an increase in our student growth percentile for literacy and reading K-8, yet a gap exists in our student grade level proficiency percentages. The data shows that what students should know at grade level is not at a level of proficiency. Building programs that are vertically and horizontally cohesive supports transition from the ES to the MS and has a greater capacity to improve student outcomes.

In Liberty High School, which is the district’s identified school, one of their SCEP commitments is to “Provide opportunities for students to explore and prepare for life post graduation in all areas not limited to college, career and military services.” As a result, the district will focus on supporting the school’s efforts by providing a rigorous, relevant and cohesive curriculum which is based on student data to know what to teach; challenging essential questions and other strategies which promote high cognitive engagement; and project based learning, in order make what students learn more meaningful to them. The district will support the other two non-identified schools in the same manner, as we understand that post-graduate opportunities begin with high quality instruction as soon as students enter school.

When asked if they found their classes rigorous, responses varied by student. Responses were largely based on what students perceived as subjects that they did well in and those with which they struggled. When pressed, students described rigorous instruction as classes in which they had to learn the most content and were asked to apply processes and solve problems for which they were not familiar. Rarely did students describe rigorous learning in terms of demanding high cognition or requiring deep thought to problem solve.

Students commented that some teachers post learning targets which do not cover the entire lesson and others wished that teachers referred back to the targets more frequently throughout the lesson. Many students shared that learning targets helps them “focus on what needs to be accomplished.”

Only 28.7% of K-8 students were proficient with the strand of Literary and Informational text. These are the knowledge and skills which allow students the ability to organize and synthesize ideas and information to solve problems.

As of the spring of 2022 only 1.8% of K-8 students were proficient in the learning strand of Algebra: Expressions, Equations and Inequality. This ability is critical to students being able to solve problems; from 1-step to multiple step problems.

Fewer than 50% of students interviewed shared that they believe that their classes are interesting, exciting or relevant. However, most students stated that they have one or two classes that they take which they enjoy as they find these classes interesting. They cited that these classes incorporated more student voice and active engagement during instruction.

Students taking college and or honors classes believe that their teachers have very high expectations for their students and that these classes are demanding and engaging- much more so than non-honors and college classes, especially in grades 9 and 10. Students expressed that they desire more real-world application during learning such as personal finances- mortgage, bill paying and insurance.

Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, many teachers did not allow students to work together in small groups. As a result, this led to more teacher led instruction such as lecture and direct instruction. Students interviewed shared that they find this type of instruction uninteresting and non-engaging. Students in all groups shared that in classes which were highly engaging- student centered and student led- which promoted “real world” project-based learning, students were much less apt to interfere with instruction with negative behavior. When asked of their most interesting class, all cite classes in which they can collaborate with peers and problem solve real world situations.

Engaged students who are equipped to achieve and entrusted to lead their own learning results in students having access to a succinct curriculum. Providing opportunities for students to be engaged in problem solving, real world application and group work will require the use of instructional based strategies such as Socratic seminar, inquiry-based and project based learning.

Strategy |Administrators, teacher leaders, and department chairs will support teachers in using the essential questions, learning targets and EDI (Explicit Direct Instruction) to facilitate content

  • Making sure that each lesson or group of lessons has an essential question that is related to the learning target which is based on the NYS learning standard and the outcome of the lesson. Essential questions should be open-ended and invoke student discussions.
  • Teachers will continue to post learning targets that are aligned with the NYS
  • All teachers will receive PD on EDI. Special Education and ELL teachers will incorporate a minimum of 1 EDI strategy into daily lessons.
  • The district will develop an updated informal classroom visitation tool to measure the instructional expectations and initiatives during the 22-23 school year.
  • Administrators will receive PD on EDI and SDI and incorporate it into APPR conversations.
Gauging Success
  • Is the essential question (EQ) posted? Is it related to the learning target (LT)? How is the essential question incorporated into the daily lesson and overall unit?
  • Are the learning targets posted? Do the learning targets align with the NYS standards? How often are LT (Learning Targets) unpacked?
  • Special Education and ENL teachers K-12 incorporating a minimum of 1 EDI or SDI (Specially Designed Instruction) strategy into daily lessons
  • Reflective feedback and individual coaching
  • By Sept 10, 2022 the district will create a Google walk through form for K-12 to collect data on: LT, EQ and EDI/SDI strategies
  • Evaluations will be shared in DILT meetings to build knowledge, expertise and calibration. Walkthroughs will be conducted and discussed.
  • PD in essential questions (Oct. 7th for K-8 & Dec. 19 for HS)
  • Including essential questions in curriculum maps (Add throughout school year)
  • PD on unpacking the learning targets (Oct. 7th for K-8 & Dec. 19 for HS)
  • PD Oct. 7 in EDI/SDI for Special Education and ENL teachers with RPC
  • PD sessions available Oct. 7 for MS in EDI with RPC
  • PD Feb. 17 for HS in EDI with RPC
  • Use of District Walkthrough form mid-September (no later than Sept. 15, 2022)
  •  RPC will meet with administration 5-6 times a year in BILT (Building Instructional Leadership Team)/DILT (District Instructional Leadership Team)

Strategy | Continue the work of vertically and horizontally aligning the curriculum Pre-K -8 to identify Standards to be mastered at each grade level, specifically in ELA and Math.


PreK-8 teachers will identify standards to be mastered at each grade level, in ELA and Math. These standards will be those that have longevity, leverage and endurance.

Gauging Success
  • Analysis of Renaissance START and NYS summative assessment results (in ELA and Math) to identify areas of student strengths & gaps against the standards.
  • Curriculum maps will be adjusted to reflect the outcomes of the assessment analysis.
  • Assistant Superintendent will meet with PLCs (Professional Learning
    Communities) by grade level (Dates TBD with building principals).
  • ASI will update teacher facilitators of each grade level and/or departments
    quarterly of progress.

Strategy | Implementation of the Into Reading/Into Literature Curriculum K-8


ELA teachers in grades K – 8 will implement the new curriculum of Into Reading
and the Into Literature Programs.

Gauging Success
  • Administrators will receive PD through HMH on “what to look for” during ELA/Literacy classroom visits.
  • Administrators will visit classrooms and provide feedback on the implementation and ensure that the program is being used with fidelity.
  • PD with administration by Sept. 2022 during BILT meetings.
  • PD, spread out through the school year, to support implementation of  Tier 1, 2, and 3 components of the Into Reading and Into Literature programs.

Strategy | Implementation of Into Math (Grades 5 & 6 only)/ Begin to identify and target the foundational skills and content that students are missing in the Math curriculum K-6

  • Grade 5 & 6 Math teachers will implement the new curricular resources for Into Math.
  • Using Renaissance STAR, HMH Growth Measures and classroom data we will identify the math skills that students are missing that are necessary for success within the math curriculum.
Gauging Success
  • MS administrators will receive PD through HMH on “what to look for” during Math classroom visits.
  • Classroom and MTSS (Multi-tiered Systems of Support) teachers will utilize Math 180, Waggle Math and Amira to re-teach and build students’ foundational skills in both core classes and the WINN (What I Need Now) classes.
  • PD will be provided by Oct. 2022 during the MS BILT meeting.
  • PD, spread out through the school year, to support implementation of Tier 1, 2, and 3 components of Into Math, Math 180 and Waggle Math.
  •  After school classes that target specific skill deficits will begin in January 2023.

Measuring Success

What will the District look to as evidence of this being successful?

  • Quantitative:
    1.  Using this tool, each item measured on this document will grow by 10 percent from Fall 2022 to Spring 2023 based on informal classroom visits.
    2. Renaissance STAR data for ELA and Math will demonstrate a 5% increase in grade level proficiency from the BOY 2022 to EOY 2023 results. (median score, work with Stacy to ID baseline from Schoolzilla).
  • Qualitative:
    1. Administration will use the new classroom visitation tool to measure instructional expectations and initiatives during the school year.
    2. Administrative reflection on PD and ability to apply instructional knowledge to the Marshal Rubric during the APPR process.

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Priority 2 | Cultivate an environment that encourages Social Emotional Learning for all students

We believe students can reach their full potential through social emotional learning providing a foundation for academic readiness. Educating the whole child prioritizes the full scope of developmental needs as a way to advance educational equity and ensure that every child reaches their personal potential.

Recent district wide school performance surveys suggest 78% of students feel that student behavior interferes with academic instruction.

59% of students feel that the school district does not have procedures in place for chronic offenders experiencing ongoing difficulties.

As a result our DCIP will focus on three strategies to support the social emotional well being of our students.

The following three strategies will encourage social emotional learning in the Liberty Central School District:

MTSS – Will provide the intervention or enrichment to cultivate a students personal success, self worth, and belonging in the school community resulting in an improvement in attendance and academic achievement.

Leader in Me – Will provide a comprehensive model that builds leadership and establishes the fundamental behaviors that are critical in laying the foundation for academic achievement using 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Meetings will be held at least 1x/week with the goal that students will hold at least 1 leadership role in and outside of their classroom.

Restorative Practices- Will provide students with alternative measures to resolve conflicts and reduce the negative effects of punitive discipline policies that magnify inequity. Restorative practices will address each student's individual needs, underlying reason for hurtful behavior, and nurture their intrinsic desire to treat others with care and respect.

Strategy | MTSS

  • Student Support Google Form Referral (ES and MS)
    • Students in need of targeted behavior intervention will be referred to the student support team in their corresponding buildings.
  • Quarterly Attendance meetings will be held with each building to review data & progress.
  • Each building will develop a plan for enrichment in the form of tangible incentives, PreK-12.
  • GAGGLE will be a resource used to monitor student internet & email at risk behaviors
  • SAEBERS will be used to identify social, emotional, behavioral at-risk students at the K-4 level.
  • MS & HS will research a similar screener for use for grades 5-12.
Gauging Success
  • There will be an increase in the percentage of teachers are using Student Support Referral Process to support struggling students
  • A reduction in OSS (Out of School Suspension) Grade 5-12 by 10% from June 2022 to June 2023.
  • Decrease chronic absenteeism by 5% from the 2022 to the 2023 school year.
  • Tangible incentives will be determined at building level & based on grade band.
  • Students alerted by GAGGLE system will be reviewed and tracking of any issues will be monitored by administration, school guidance and social workers at each building.
  • SAEBERS will identify students who will be brought to the student support team meetings.
  • Tier 2 and Tier 3 counseling (individual/group) will be constructed based on needs from SAEBERS.
  • Identify a MS & HS screener by January 2023.
  • Processes – Tiered behavior program, Schooltool, Student Support Referrals
  • J. Steinfeld will work with building administration August 23 to create a K-12 re-entry process after OSS
  • He will present TierOne Behavior Strategies to each building Sept. 2, 2022
  • Individuals – Clinical Teams, Student Council, Lighthouse Team, Josh Steinfeld (RPC Behavior Specialist) will be available to support
  • Money – Field Trip (for all students) and Tangible incentives (Time in the Maker Space room)
  • Gaggle platform purchased 8/2022.
  • PD for admin. on Gaggle platform 8/2022.

Strategy | Leader in Me

  • Lighthouse coordinators from each building will meet monthly to discuss and collaborate on the vertical alignment of the program
  • Meetings at ES & MS with students monthly
  • HS will run course Freshmen Leadership Orientation utilizing Leader in Me (LiM)
  • The building Lighthouse teams will create a building specific implementation plan that supports the implementation of the Leader In Me Process.
    • Plan will include – Smart Goals, PD Opportunities, progress monitoring and feedback.
  • The MRA (Measurable Results Assessment) Screener will be given annually to students, staff and families.
Gauging Success
  • Lighthouse Team Meeting Agendas
  • Increased rate of participation of students in Clubs and Activities, and leadership roles as compared to 2022 data & results of MRA in May 2023
  • Each building’s Lighthouse Team will present building faculty by the end of Sept. 2022.
  • By December 2022, each building LightHouse team will create a 1 year implementation plan that fits the exact needs, culture, and climate of their respective building. The plan will be shared with faculty/staff.
  • MRA Results will present an increase of 5% of students using LiM language and habits.
  • Money – provide additional staff or coverage for staff.
  • Master Schedules will embed time that allows ALL students, PreK-12, the opportunity to learn the 7 Habits explicitly.
  • The Leader In Me Coach from Franklin Covey will guide each building team through this process through coaching sessions embedded throughout the school year and on 1 SCD.
  • Processes- MRA assessment tool from Leader in Me

Strategy | Restorative Practices

  • The district will create a Restorative Intervention menu for disciplinary dispositions developed by and for Grade Bands (K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12).
  • Professional Development on Restorative Practices to increase knowledge & capacity building of these practices.
  • Clinical Team and Administration interact in the school environment on a daily basis
Gauging Success
  • Grade Band Lists of restorative interventions/responses on Schooltool and in digital form for faculty/staff easy access
  •  10% reduction in out of school suspensions district-wide
  • District-wide decrease by 5% in code of conduct infractions (cutting class/late to school (9-12), insubordination K-12), assault and weapons 5-12).
  • All faculty/staff will be trained with tools to implement strategies to help identify and support students affected by trauma.
    • Time for Individuals – Clinical Team, administration, Josh Steinfeld (RPC) to create menu
    • Josh Steinfeld & MaryAnn Brittingham restorative discipline & trauma informed PD to be provided prior to April 2022.

Measuring Success

What will the District look to as evidence of this being successful?

  • Qualitative:
    • 10% reduction in out of school suspensions district-wide
    • 5% decrease in Chronic Absenteeism from the 2022 to the 2023 school year.
    • Seek 5% reduction in two Perceptions of Equity survey questions for HS students:
      1. 1. 78% of students feel that student behavior interferes with academic instruction. (Reduce to 73%)
      2. 2. 59% of students feel that the school district does not have procedures in place for chronic offenders experiencing ongoing difficulties. (Reduce to 54%).
  • Qualitative:
    • Lighthouse Team Agendas and Discussions, Increased Rate of Participation in Committees, Use of Restorative Practices, Comparison of MRA results from 21-2022 to 22-2023 school year.

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Priority 3 | Nurture an inclusive and equitable environment for all stakeholders

As a district, we want our students, staff, parents, faculty, and the surrounding community to have a feeling of connectedness- to the curriculum, the climate and culture of the school, and to the school and local community.

We recognize that the COVID-19 pandemic has restricted engagement with families and peers. We want to enhance inclusivity and equity inside and outside of the classroom including peer to peer learning, small group work, clubs and sports.

The social/ emotional needs of our students need to be identified and understood so they can reach their full individual potential with support from their families, peers, and teachers. According to focus groups, the vast majority of Multi Language Learners state that they do not have a trusted adult to go to and because of language and cultural barriers they do not all feel included in the school community.

The pandemic has opened doors to different communication options for families that created multiple opportunities for engagement within the school community.

Building upon our connection to our local community, support in students understanding career options, and helping students find their interests, understand their opportunities, and help prepare them for the future.

Strategy | Promote and encourage opportunities for students to explore and learn about their identities

  • Create new and promote existing clubs throughout the district
  • Post-pandemic recommitment to various school assemblies with multicultural dimensions
  • Have students create a portfolio that spans their school career
  • Provide opportunities for staff to discuss the social/emotional needs of students
  • District will provide materials (books, signage, etc) that are reflective of the student body.
  • Students will be given opportunities for interactions with others and for peer to peer learning and small group work
  • Educate all stakeholders on the Pathways to Graduation
  • Share with all stakeholders the Counseling Plan
Gauging Success
  • HS will introduce “Passport for Good” (P4G) to serve as evidence that the students are attending clubs/events, utilizing feedback forms to gauge interest of clubs/ gather ideas from the students. Training will occur 9/1/22.
  • Students will create a portfolio that shows their college, career, and service readiness, utilizing the “Naviance” (5-12) and “Passport for Good” (9-12) programs.
  • Track agendas, protocols, minutes from PLC meetings, student support meetings, MTSS meetings to identify improved student outcomes & use of instructional & SEL strategies.
  • Each library will create an equity section and will incorporate equity lessons into their curriculum.
  • Teachers will review options and provide opportunities for students in the classroom for both group and individual work.
  • Naviance and Passport for Good program
  • Staff to supervise clubs
  • Monies to pay for stipends and any necessary materials for clubs
  • Funding for multicultural assemblies
  • Funding for potential PDs
  • PLC meetings held monthly, MTSS weekly at each building.
  • Bldg. Admn. will collaborate with LMS (Library Media Specialist) to utilize funding for these purchases
  • K-8 Into Reading/Into Literature inclusive classroom libraries & novel sets purchased 8/2022.

Strategy | Provide students with opportunities to meet and interact with successful adults from various cultural backgrounds (ie: business owners, professionals, LHS graduates)

  • District Career Day and virtual career day
  • Assemblies
  • Classroom visits
  • College visits
  • Internships
  • BOCES visits
Gauging Success
  • Student feedback forums
  • Internship Testimonials
  • Staff personnel to organize Career Day
  • Staff personnel to set up internships

Strategy | In a post-pandemic recommendation, buildings will expand communication opportunities for parents and stakeholders to learn more about district initiatives, pathways to graduation and how to support their child’s learning and growth

  • Parents will be provided opportunities during scheduled school events to learn about district initiatives and given the opportunity to provide feedback.
  • Virtual and in-person options for families to engage in meetings, orientations, conferences, events
  • The leader in me/lighthouse coordinator will work with building administration to create parent learning opportunities for leader in me
Gauging Success
  • Meeting Agendas for the Equity and Excellence team.
  • Attendance forms/number of participants documented with sign-in sheets or by other digital means.
  • Families will provide feedback through different platforms, including the use of Google forms and QR codes
  • “Infomercials” highlighting students engaged in learning and other school activities will run prior to school events such as concerts.
  • community outreach
  • Use of REMIND by classroom teachers  to communicate with families (in English & Spanish)
  • Host All Things Liberty evening Nov. 2022 to highlight Liberty’s district culture, curriculum, resources to support families and community
  • PR Specialist to post weekly on district’s social media

Measuring Success

  • Quantitative:
    1. Student participation at school events will increase by 5% across the district.
    2. Family and community participation will increase by 10% at the All Things Liberty event (2021 attendance = 37 people).
    3. 5% increase in social media comments/likes for posted events.
    4. Survey results from students participating in Career Day.
  • Qualitative:
    1. MRA results in May 2023 to assess student growth in the Leader in Me program.
    2. IDentify usage of Passport 4 Good and Naviance to support student involvement and knowledge about college and career readiness.

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Districts with TSI Schools Only

Identify how the perspectives of stakeholders associated with the identified subgroup(s) have been incorporated

  • Teachers responsible for teaching each identified subgroup: Faculty/staff completed a survey in Feb. 2022, participated in a data cafe looking at the survey results to pull out specific items to address, engaged in focus interviews in Nov. and May 2022.
  • Parents with children from each identified subgroup: Parents were part of virtual interviews (grades 9-12) to share insight into what is working, what additional supports are needed to support all students.
  • Secondary Schools: students from each identified subgroup: Students engaged in focus group interviews  throughout the year in grades 3-12, students grades 3-12 completed a survey in Feb. 2022 and students grades 6-12 participated in a Perceptions of Equity Survey in June 2022.

Submission Assurances

Place an “X” in the box next to each item prior to submission.

  1. X The District Comprehensive Improvement Plan (DCIP) has been developed in consultation with parents, school staff, and others in accordance with the requirements of Shared-Decision Making (CR 100.11) to provide a meaningful opportunity for stakeholders to participate in the development of the plan and comment on the plan before it is approved.
  2. X The DCIP will be implemented no later than the beginning of the first day of regular student attendance.
  3. X Professional development will be provided to teachers and school leaders that will fully support the strategic efforts described within this plan.
  4. X The DCIP will be made widely available through public means, such as posting on the Internet, distribution through the media, and distribution through public agencies.
  5. X A comprehensive systems approach will be established to recruit, develop, retain, and equitably distribute effective teachers and school leaders as part of the implementation of the Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) system required by Education Law §3012(c) and §3012(d).
  6. X Meaningful time for collaboration will be used to review and analyze data in order to inform and improve district policies, procedures, and instructional practices.

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