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Retreat helps school leaders plan, improve for the new year

people sit at a horseshoe shaped table and look at a screen with information o it

Liberty Central School District administrators and teacher facilitators were hard at work this week preparing for the upcoming school year.

People sit around a table with a poster of MTSS behind themThe annual summer professional development and planning retreat was held Monday through Thursday, using LCSD’s five-year Strategic Plan and the District Comprehensive Improvement Plan as a focus and guide for sessions.

Administrators heard from speakers, participated in activities, took part in professional development sessions and worked on plans for the upcoming school year.

Teacher facilitators joined sessions on Wednesday to learn about best practices in curriculum and instruction. They also briefly reviewed student data to analyze how they can support students.

People sit at tables looking at papers and a smart board at the front of the roomIn the final day of the end of the retreat, the building teams met to create their yearly building plans to help achieve the yearly district goals, to ultimately accomplish the strategic plan’s strategic intents.

people sit around a desk looking at a screen with a document displayed People sit at desks arranged in a "U"