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Strategic Plan: MTSS

We are continuing our deeper dive into the pillars of our strategic plan, this time focusing on Multi-Tiered System of Supports, also known as MTSS.

MTSS is used by schools to help focus on improving outcomes for struggling students. Here at Liberty, we recognize that all students need support, academically and socially, to make the educational experience the best it can be for each student. Through MTSS we work to provide varied supports.

Read Liberty’s MTSS and Academic Intervention Services Plan on our website.

The first strategic intent under MTSS is: “By 2027, Liberty Central School District will have a comprehensive MTSS model that equitably supports ALL students, including those at-risk academically, students needing language acquisition, and students needing enrichment, based upon serving a community of diverse cultural and socio-economic needs.”

The second strategic intent reads: “By 2027, Liberty Central School District will have a comprehensive MTSS model that equitably supports ALL students, including those at-risk socially, emotionally and behaviorally, based upon serving a community of diverse cultural and socio-economic needs.”

The third strategic intent is: “The District will implement post benchmark data analysis meetings that require at least three data points (Academic/SEL Screener and two additional data points) to identify or refer students to Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions through vertically articulated Student Support/MTSS meetings that are regularly scheduled and attended.”

What do these intents mean?

These intents set our goals to ensure there are policies and methods in place to support all students at Liberty. The first focuses on academics. The second on social, emotional and behavior needs. The last intent lays out how we are going to ensure the supports are being used effectively.

Why is this important?

Every student is different and has different needs when it comes to their educational experience. Being able to recognize where students struggle and where they excel helps improve that experience. Having a strong MTSS model and accompanying assessments will allow Liberty to analyze the needs and provide students the tools they need to succeed.   

How are we doing this?

  • We are implementing common, tiered academic and social, emotional and behavioral interventions for students in kindergarten through eighth grades, as well as creating a kindergarten-specific MTSS team, made up of pre-k through first grade teachers and reading and math specialists, which will meet regularly to focus on students who are struggling.
  • We also offer after school tutoring for those who need academic help or enrichment and we are training our faculty and staff in best practices to help build relationships in the school community. 
  • Students are taking a lead in their growth, writing behavior and learning goals through the Wildly Important Goals (WIGS) and Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time Bound (SMART)  goals programs. We are completing our third year of having instituted the Leader in Me program in all school buildings to help students build healthy leadership habits. We are striving to move toward student-led conferences in all grades. These conferences allow students to take ownership and responsibility of their learning in new ways.
  • We also are focusing on students who are excelling by offering activities such as Makerspace classes and summer enrichment. Our goal for 2023 summer enrichment is to provide one to two week courses focusing on STEAM, the arts and physical activity and movement. We are exploring additional programs and opportunities for students.
  • To help ensure MTSS is being used to the best of our ability, we are increasing training on MTSS and its effect on all students. We have tiered supports for academics in Literacy and Math, grades K-8.
  • A district-wide dashboard will be used to track students’ progress throughout their school career, and we have instituted a shared student notes file, so everyone who works with a particular student can record notes about that student and offer strategies for their peers.
  • A universal Social Emotional Learning screener is used two times a year to identify students’ SEL strengths and needs. The screener is a strength based rating scale that assesses students’ social and emotional competence in the areas of self-awareness, self-management, responsible decision making, social awareness and relationship skills. Students can benefit from learning how to strengthen their skills in each area, and the screener provides information for faculty and staff to target specific areas of need for students.

MTSS is a framework that assists teachers in implementing evidence based practices so that all students can achieve important outcomes and goals. Having this universal system in place to help students pursue their potential will prepare Liberty students to lead now and in the future.