A temporary traffic pattern is in effect at Liberty Elementary School. Please see details of new traffic pattern here.

Strategic Plan Update 2024

On Feb. 8, 2024, teams of administrators, faculty and staff evaluated the progress of Liberty Central School District’s five-year strategic plan. During this meeting, the AIR construct — Approach (introduction of plans, processes, procedures, etc.), Implementation (evidence of practices aligning with approach), and Results (data outputs) — was introduced. The AIR construct originates from the Tri-State Consortium, and the district plans to learn more about it and continue to use it to review the efforts taken. During the Strategic Plan review session, each team reviewed information from the perspective of an observer to evaluate and reflect on the district’s progress to determine the next steps. See the full report from the Strategic Plan Review team here.

Coherence: A Shared Understand of our Purpose and Work

Where we are:

  • We can gauge aligned monitoring of yearly and long term progress and use Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports and Professional Learning Communities to analyze data, but more data analysis and PLC practices are to be reinforced.
  • We regularly gather input from surveys and focus groups to help enhance practices across the district.
  • We are working on implementing Personnel Procedures
  • We are finding ways to enhance our new teachers’ learning experiences.
  • We created a Professional Learning Plan that aligns professional learning with the Strategic Plan, but the plan still needs to be implemented with fidelity.

Where we are going:

MTSS Processes

  • MTSS guidelines will be streamlined across buildings and will be implemented fully.
  • All staff will know what MTSS is and what it means
  • All staff will be able to implement MTSS practices into their work.

Personnel Department Procedures

  • This is in its infancy and we will continue to strive toward implementing the procedures with fidelity.

Knowledge of the strategic plan and MTSS

  • There will be more conversations and meetings that  involve multiple grade levels and multiple buildings.

Team members:

  • Laurene McKenna
  • Steve Matuszak
  • Scott Hamlin
  • Kristi Rubik
  • Sheila Wormuth

Curriculum: What we teach our students

Where we are:

  • We have aligned Tier 1, 2, and 3 curriculum among grades K-8 for ELA and reading.
  • We have aligned Tier 1 math curriculum for grades K-6, and are using an aligned Tier 2 and Tier 3 curriculum for math in grades K-8.
  • We use the Putnam Northern Westchester BOCES Social Studies curriculum for social studies and its Science 21 curriculum for its sciences classes in grades K-6.
  • Our teachers at the high school level, use a self-created and adapted curriculum that aligns to the New York State Standards in preparation for the Regents Examinations.

Where we are going:

  • We will continue the implementation of Explicit Direct Instruction
  • We will continue with the implementation of Specially Designed Instruction
  • We will continue to align the curriculum K-8 (HMH and PNW Curriculum), with HMH math curriculum expanded to Grade 7.
  • We will introduce algebra for Tier 1 eighth grade students to align with the high school curriculum.
  • We will complete our curriculum maps and upload them to a digital platform
  • We will establish mastery standards for each grade level
  • We will begin the process to establish entry and exit criteria for each grade level
  • We will create more opportunities for vertical articulation-based conversations among schools.
  • We will continue to explore and expand enrichment opportunities
  • We will provide professional development focusing on science of reading

Team Members

  • Marianne Serratore
  • Heather Cheh
  • Jodie MacKrell
  • Alyssa Thalmann
  • Lacey VanLeuven

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support: How we systematically support our students’ needs

Where we are:

  • We administer three screener sessions using Renaissance STAR and HMH assessments for grades K-8 to assess our students’ progress in reading and mathematics.
  • We use Leader in Me for Tier 1 instruction for all Students
  • We use small group individual supplemental behavioral assistance provided by specialized support staff for Tier 2 Social Emotional Learning support.
  • We use more intense behavior interventions for Tier 3 SEL Support (for students with limited progress in Tier 2 who demonstrate significant needs
  • We have begun the implementation of the DESSA SEL screener and have expanded the use of a SEL screener for all grades during the 2023-2024 school year.
  • Our buildings have been implementing our MTSS model by providing a referral form, creating meeting structures (weekly Operation Success/Student Support Team/MTSS Meetings), post-benchmark analysis meetings (grades K-8).
  • We have implemented common Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 intervention programs for Grades K-8, student-centered Wildly Important Goals (student-made self goals) for grades K-8, Tier 2 enrichment for grades K-8, and cross-cultural based events.

Where we are going:

  • We will establish more time to analyze data.
  • We will continue to meet (alignment meeting) between buildings to discuss approach, implementation and results.
  • We will enhance academic intervention systems for Liberty High School.

Team members

  • Derek Adams
  • Deb Degraw
  • Kate Rusin
  • Melissa Murphy
  • Robbi Philips

Culture: The values that impact how our school operates

Where we are:

  • We have taken the steps to communicate our mission, vision and beliefs internally through staff meetings and conference days.
  • We have taken the steps to meet or present our efforts externally during community forums,town and village meetings, local club meetings, and at the local fire department.
  • We have taken the steps to bring the community together through community-school based activities such as All Things Liberty and Winter Festival.
  • We administer culture and climate surveys and focus groups to allow the school community to evaluate its progress.

We we are going:

  • We will continue to communicate its mission, vision, and beliefs
  • We will continue to conduct Community Forums and other community-based activities
  • We will continue to administer surveys and focus groups

Team members:

  • Bob England
  • Amy Black
  • Danielle Cummins
  • Nancy Katzenberger
  • Susana Alvarado