• Pre-K registration began March 1. Full day slots will be available for district residents who will turn 4 by Dec. 1. For more details, visit our pre-k registration page.
  • We are conducting surveys to provide feedback about perceptions of Liberty’s schools and learning environment. Links have been sent to staff, families and students. If you haven’t received the link, please reach out to Marianne Serratore, Interim Assistant Superintendent of Schools, at 845-292-5400, ext. 2063, or mserratore@libertyk12.org.
  • A temporary traffic pattern is in effect at Liberty Elementary School. Please see details of new traffic pattern here.

LCSD faculty, staff return to school

A man talks before a crowd in a gymnasium

It may still be two days until students return, but Liberty Central School District faculty and staff had their first day of the 2024-25 school year on Tuesday. The year kicked off with the traditional Opening Day assembly, this year held in the high school gymnasium rather than the auditorium because of work underway on the stage.

“These first two days of school for our faculty and staff are a vital time to ensure we are all on the same page and working together to make Liberty a great place to learn,” Superintendent Dr. Patrick Sullivan said.

These two conference days help Liberty administration introduce or reintroduce and reinforce the mission, vision and beliefs of the district, inline with the district’s five-year strategic plan. It also allows time for faculty and staff to complete required trainings and to make final preparations before students return.

Following a brief welcome and remarks by Sullivan and various school union leaders, new administrators, faculty and staff were introduced.

Two man hold flowers flanked by two men behind the Liberty Redhawk logo on the gym floor.Sullivan and building leaders also recognized staff who were celebrating milestone years of service, with special recognition given to two Liberty staff members who each have been with LCSD for 33 years — custodian Marilyn Doland and ICT first-grade teacher Karen Gorr.

The strategic plan was next on the agenda. Sullivan reviewed the plan, progress that has been made in the first two years, and where the district is heading in year three. He also briefly reviewed the annual District Comprehensive Improvement Plan.

The important topic of student mental health was next on the agenda, with behavioral specialist Sheila Wormuth presenting. She highlighted the importance of making a difference in students’ lives, from a small thing such as offering a smile to the big ones, such as truly listening and understanding when they are speaking.