A temporary traffic pattern is in effect at Liberty Elementary School. Please see details of new traffic pattern here.

LAN offers update on capital project, introduction

A football game is played on a grass field with a outcropping in the background painted red with white names painted on it.

On Oct. 22, LAN Associates provided an update on the capital project to the Board of Education at Liberty Central School District. In July 2024, LAN Associates was hired by LCSD to design and manage the capital project approved by voters in January 2024.

LAN reported that a geotechnical investigation was recently completed. The geotechnical investigation included soil borings at the athletics fields, and near the softball field, where the new maintenance building will be constructed. This due diligence enabled LAN to advance the first phase of the project, which includes construction of a new maintenance building; athletic facility improvements, including the installation of a new synthetic turf field, track and field improvements, installation of a grandstand and press box, and installation of new athletic field lighting; upgrades to the HVAC controls upgrades at the middle and high school; upgraders to the carbon monoxide alarm system and replacement of exterior stairs at the high school; and replacements of some interior doors at the middle school.

Plans for the first part of the project are expected to be submitted to the New York State Education Department at the end of November, with construction beginning in late spring-to-early summer 2025. LCSD hopes to complete the first phase of work by late spring 2026.

The second phase of the project includes renovations to the high school at the 300 wing, cafeteria and Innovation Lab, a generator replacement, as well as finishing the interior door replacement in the middle school, site drainage improvements, electrical distribution panel replacement, installation of an emergency generator and upgrading the carbon monoxide alarm system at the middle school. Construction is expected to begin on this phase in spring 2026, with completion expected in early 2027.

An empty gymnasium with elevated seating around the edgeThe final phase of the project includes work at the Liberty Elementary School and District Office. At the elementary school, the work consists of roofing repairs and upgrades, asbestos flooring abatement and replacement, wood flooring replacement, new railings on the elevated bleachers in the gym, upgrades to the classroom and gymnasium ventilation, a boiler conversion, as well as upgrades to the HVAC controls and the carbon monoxide alarm system. At the District Office, a new emergency generator will be installed, and the carbon monoxide alarm system will be upgraded. This phase of work is expected to begin in late spring 2026 with completion before school begins for the 2026-27 school year.

During their presentation, LAN mentioned a bill passed in June by the state Legislature, but not yet signed by the governor, that would require public schools to take action to relieve heat-related discomfort when an occupied instructional space’s temperatures reach 82 degrees, and if temperatures reach 88 degrees, students must leave those areas. This potential regulatory change is being considered by the design team and may influence the design of the HVAC upgrades.

LAN also referenced other potential projects that could benefit the Liberty Central School District in the future.

For nearly 60 years, LAN has provided architecture, engineering and surveying services in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut.  LAN is an industry leader in the design of K12 educational facilities in New Jersey and the Hudson Valley.

For more information on LAN Associates, visit lanassociates.com.