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Three earn Excellence in Service Awards

Three Liberty Central School District staff members were honored by the Board of Education during the Feb. 13 meeting. Earning Excellence in Service awards were Liberty Elementary School Psychologist Mary Bayer, Middle School head custodian Anthony Lesczynski and High School Teacher Assistant Paul Minton.

Mary Bayer

A woman hold a folder with two men standing on either side of herBayer was recognized for her advocacy for students and teachers at the school.

“Mary is admired and loved by every teacher and student at Liberty Elementary,” the nomination read. “She is always available to speak with colleagues, give them advice, and help them through situations with students.”

Her efforts to do what is best for students and staff sets her apart.

“Mary works hard every day in her role as school psychologist and chairs the Elementary 504 meetings,” the nomination read. “Mary is an invaluable resource for her department and works tirelessly to make sure all the needs of students are met.”

Anthony Lesczynski

Two men stand together one holding an 8x10 certificate in a folderwith the other holds a smaller certificateLesczynski was honored for going “above and beyond for all staff in the Middle School.”

“Anything that is asked of him and his team, gets done efficiently and with professionalism,” the nomination read. “He is a true leader and builds relationships with his colleagues and co-workers. He is one of the biggest assets to our building.”

Paul Minton

Two men stand together one holding an 8x10 certificate in a folder with the other holds a smaller certificateMinton’s willingness to assist in any capacity at the school earned him the honor.

“We rely on Paul to help us with kids, faculty, and any other needs we may have,” the nomination read. “He is and has been a huge part of LHS for years.”

Each month, staff members nominate others they believe are going above and beyond, be it a single act of excellence or kindness or a continuous work ethic.

We congratulate these three staff members on their awards.