• A reminder: Liberty Central School District will be closed Monday, Oct. 14, for Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples’ Day.
  • The schedule for GeoTech to conduct testing for the capital project has changed. Testing will take place at the football field and track on Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 9 and 10. The testing for the area of the  Maintenance Building will take place Friday and Monday, Oct. 11 and 14. The football field and track will not be available for use on Oct. 9 and 10. The high jump area will not be affected by the testing. On Oct. 11 and 14, the Winthrop parking lot behind the district office near the softball field will be closed.  If you have any questions, please email questions@libertyk12.org.
  • If you haven’t yet, please make sure you switch your SchoolTool Parent Portal URL to https://st10.schooltool.com/liberty to continue to access your child’s grades, information and more.

Refund process for Redhawk merchandise set

Students, Parents, Employees, and Other Community Members (“Individual Purchasers”)

  1. Merchandise that has been ordered and paid for by you, but has not yet been delivered to you:
    • Request a refund of your payment directly from the school/community organization that you made a payment to.
    • Do not request a refund directly from the District. No refunds will be made by the District directly to Individual Purchasers of Merchandise.
  2. Merchandise that has been delivered to you:
    • You may return the Merchandise to, and request a refund of your payment from, the school/ community organization who sold you the Merchandise.
    • Do not return Merchandise to, or request a refund from, the District. No refunds will be made directly by the District to Individual Purchasers of Merchandise.

School/Community Organizations

  1. Unsold Merchandise
    • Merchandise that was paid for by you and delivered to you between October 14, 2023, and November 16, 2023, but which has not been resold by you to Individual Purchasers, together with proof of your payment for the Merchandise, may be delivered to the Liberty Central School District District Office at 115 Buckley Street Liberty, NY 12754, on school days between the hours of 8:00 am – 4:00 pm. You will receive a full refund for the actual cost you paid for the Merchandise.
    • Any lost profits or lost fundraising revenue that may have been gained by future resale of the Merchandise will not be compensated by the District.
  2. Merchandise sold to Individual Purchasers
    • Merchandise that was sold by you to Individual Purchasers between October 14, 2023, and November 16, 2023 should be fully refunded to Individual Purchasers who either cancel their order for undelivered Merchandise, or who return delivered Merchandise to you and request a refund. Undelivered Merchandise and returned Merchandise, together with proof of your payment for the Merchandise and proof of refunds made for cancelled orders and returned Merchandise, may be delivered to 115 Buckley Street Liberty, NY 12754, on school days between the hours of 8:00 am – 4:00 pm. You will receive a full refund for the actual cost you paid for the Merchandise.
    • You will not receive reimbursement for any lost profits or lost fundraising revenues. To be clear, the difference between the amount that you paid for the Merchandise, and the resale price that was paid to you by and refunded by you to Individual Purchasers, will not be reimbursed by the District.

Any questions may be directed to mascotrefund@libertyk12.org