A reminder on battery safety

Dear Liberty families,

We are proud to be able to offer every student in our district the opportunity to use a district-owned Chromebook. Computer-based learning is an important component in teaching our students 21st century skills.

Middle and high school students are expected to bring their Chromebooks home everyday to complete assignments. The devices are also expected to be fully charged ready for each school day.

There have been some concerns raised nationwide about lithium-ion battery safety. These batteries, which are used in Chromebooks and several other devices including cell phones, are safe when used in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations, but sometimes the device or battery gets damaged, overheats or malfunctions due to a defect and may explode or catch fire.

There are several steps users can take to help keep the devices safe and working properly, according to NYSIR (New York School Insurance Reciprocal).

  • Follow all manufacturer’s instructions for use, storage and charging.
  • Charge batteries only when someone is present.
  • Do not charge devices overnight. In most instances they need only a few hours to charge.
  • Do not block vents on laptops or tablets.
  • Charge devices on a solid service such as a table or counter. Never charge devices on a fabric surface, such as a chair, couch cushion, blanket, pillow or bed.
  • If the device starts to get  hot, unplug it and take it outside away from combustibles.

Students who notice changes in their Chromebook’s performance, including overheating, or have concerns about the battery or charging cable should reach out to Director of Technology Pat Killian at 845-29-5400, ext. 2068, or pkillian@libertyk12.org.


Dr. Patrick Sullivan
