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English Courses at LHS

English 9 (9 Honors | 9 Regents)

This course builds upon the language arts skills mastered in English 8. The teacher will reinforce reading comprehension skills through study of common core adapted modules. This course focuses on writing that is applicable to common core-based Regents essay tasks. All students will also receive training (via the library) in the research process, particularly as it relates to researching online.

  • Grade: 9
  • Prerequisites: Successful completion of English 8 and teacher final recommendation.  In order to receive a recommendation for an Honors-level course, the student must have a 90 average.
  • Length: 40 weeks
  • Evaluation: Test
  • Credits: 1

English 10 (10 Honors | 10 Regents)

In English 10, students will use the process writing approach to facilitate their writing. This course gives particular attention to vocabulary skills as related to common core Regents-based reading and essay tasks. Students learn to read and interpret (in greater depth) various literary genres using adapted common core modules. This course incorporates listening and speaking units to the writing program, as is recommended in CCLS. This course makes a special effort to prepare the students for the common core Regents exam.

  • Grade: 10
  • Prerequisites: Successful completion of English 9 and teacher final recommendation. In order to receive a recommendation for an Honors-level course, the student must have a 90 average in a Regents-level course or 85 in an Honors-level course.
  • Length: 40 weeks
  • Evaluation: Test (based on the Regents Exam)
  • Credits: 1

English 11 (11 Honors | 11 Regents)

Reading skills in literature are further refined. This course fosters literary analysis and criticism. Readings will include materials adapted from common core modules, with an emphasis on advanced critical thinking skills. This course also highlights non-fiction as is relevant to common core Regents reading and essay tasks. Tests are writing intensive in preparation for the Regents exam. In addition, oral presentations are required to fulfill CCLS. Students learn test-taking techniques for the SAT, ACT, and the common core Regents examination.

  • Grade: 11
  • Prerequisites: Successful completion of English 10 and teacher final recommendation. In order to receive a recommendation for an Honors-level course, the student must have a 90 average in a Regents-level course or 85 in an Honors-level course. 
  • Length: 40 weeks
  • Evaluation: Regents Exam
  • Credits: 1

English 11 Honors | Advanced Placement English

This is a college-level course. It is an intensive preparation for the Advanced Placement Examination in Literature and/or Language and Composition (a score of 3, 4, or 5 on the test may translate to college credit). The course consists of: (1) intensive reading comprehension practice; (2) familiarizing students with literary terms and concepts; (3) readings of high-quality literature; and (4) intensive essay writing. In short, the course is rigorous preparation for the AP exam and the Regents exam. Summer reading (prior to the start of the course in September) is required. Students MUST sit for the AP Exam and Regents in order to be eligible for a passing grade.  The AP Examination usually takes place in May.

  • Grade: 11
  • Prerequisites: Demonstrated excellence in English 10 and teacher recommendation. In order to receive a recommendation for an Honors-level course, the student must have a 90 average in a Regents-level course or 85 in an Honors-level course.
  • Length: 40 weeks
  • Final Evaluation: AP and Regents exam
  • Credits: 1 high school credit and 3 college credits (with successful achievement of a 3 or 4 on the AP exam)

Composition 1 (College-level Effective Writing) |  SUNY Sullivan (SCCC)

Students will draft and revise college-level essays in this writing-intensive course. Students will study the conventions of academic prose, examine various methods of organization and development, and learn research skills. A research paper serves as the final exam.

  • Grade: 12
  • Prerequisites: Successful completion of English 8-11 and a score of 78 or higher on the English Regents
  • Length: 20 weeks
  • Credits: ½ high school credit, 3 college credits

Fundamentals of Speech | SUNY Sullivan (SCCC)

This course provides public speaking training and practice.

  • Grade: 12
  • Prerequisites: Successful completion of English 8-11
  • Length: 20 weeks
  • Final Evaluation: Cumulative Test/Project
  • Credits: ½ high school credit, 3 college credits

English AIS

This program in reading and/or writing provides supplementary instruction for those students whose test scores indicate a need for small group or individualized instruction to perform better in the content areas and to meet successfully the requirements of the English Regents exam. The non-credit program in writing is required for those students who score a one or two on their ELA exam or who fail the Preliminary or Regents Competency Test in Writing. Instruction focuses on all aspects of the writing process as determined by individual needs with special emphasis on skills needed to pass the English Regents exam. Student placement into AIS occurs with teacher recommendation. Improving test scores and classroom performance, and/or passing the English Regents Exam, allows students to exit from the program.

  • Grade: 9 – 12
  • Prerequisites: As stated above
  • Length: As needed
  • Credits: None