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Art Courses at LHS

Studio Art

A required foundation course in Studio Art designed to develop a visual and aesthetic awareness, while exploring a wide variety of media and developing basic skills.  The emphasis will be on two-dimensional work, although the class will explore some three-dimensional media.  Areas to be included are design; perspective; sketching and renderings in pencil; painting; and an introduction to the basics of sculpture using clay and other materials.  The class will incorporate exposure to major movements in art into the studio experience.

  • Grade: 9 – 12
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Length: 40 weeks
  • Final Evaluation: Cumulative Test/Project
  • Credits: 1

Advanced Studio in Art – A and B

Advanced Studio will follow and build upon the skills and knowledge acquired in Studio in Art.  The class offered two cumulative semesters of exploration in two-dimensional and three-dimensional work.  Areas of exploration may include drawing, painting, graphics, design, construction, basic sculpture, and mixed media projects.  The students will produce work suitable for inclusion in portfolios.  It is required that students take both semesters.

  • Grade: 10 – 12
  • Prerequisites: Studio in Art
  • Length: 40 weeks
  • Final Evaluation: Cumulative Test/Project
  • Credits: 1

Ceramics 1

A one year course of Ceramics offers an introduction to clays, glazes, and various surface treatments, while developing knowledge of the relationship of form and function.  Emphasis is on hand-built forms as well as wheel-thrown forms.  Students design, construct, and finish projects and learn to comment on their work.

  • Grade: 10 – 12
  • Prerequisites: Studio in Art
  • Length: 40 weeks each
  • Final Evaluation: Cumulative Test/Project
  • Credits: 1

Ceramics 2

This Advanced Ceramics course offers a one year course in which students will continue to explore selected styles and techniques of working with clays, glazes, and additional surface treatments.  This course places greater emphasis on combined forms of wheel-thrown and hand-built pieces.

  • Grade: 10 – 12
  • Prerequisites: Studio in Art
  • Length: 40 weeks each
  • Final Evaluation: Cumulative Test/Project
  • Credits: 1

Drawing and Painting 1/Drawing and Painting 2

This course offering consists of two cumulative semesters in which students will explore various techniques of drawing using different media, surfaces, and styles.  This course will carry drawing into paintings using watercolor, tempera, acrylic, inks, and combinations of media.  Students will produce works suitable for inclusion in portfolios.  Students may be involved in school and community-wide mural projects.

  • Grade: 10 – 12
  • Prerequisites: 75 or better Studio in Art ( Drawing and Painting 1 is a prereq for 2)
  • Length: 40 weeks each
  •  Cumulative Test/Project
  • Credits: 1

Graphics Design 1 (not offered in 2024-25)

This year-long course explores Graphic layout, design skills, advertising techniques and developing an artistic voice through digital media. Some 3 D work is included but primarily, students work in PhotoShop as their canvas.

  • Grade: 10 – 12
  • Prerequisites: Studio in Art
  • Length: 40 weeks each
  • Cumulative Test/Project
  • Credits: 1

Graphics Design 2 (not offered in 2024-2025)

Students will pursue projects in specific graphic media of their own choosing as well as teacher driven assignments and will develop their expertise in these areas. This course places emphasis on major projects suitable for inclusion in portfolios.

  • Grade: 11 – 12
  • Prerequisites: Studio in Art, Computer Graphics 1 and successful completion of the first semester
  • Length: 40 weeks each
  • Final Evaluation: Cumulative Test/Project
  • Credits: 1 each

Photography 1

Photography 1 is an introduction to developing the eye, the technique and the heart of a photographer, combining technical and creative skill.  Students will learn how to use their or a school camera to complete varied assignments.  This course will teach composition, theory, and visual literacy along with technical skills.  **Additional time outside of class is required along with participation and attendance at shows.

  • Grade: 10 – 12
  • Prerequisites: Studio in Art
  • Length: 40 weeks each
  • Final Evaluation: Portfolio Review
  • Credits: 1

Photography 2 | SUNY Sullivan (SCCC)

In this advanced level of Photography using digital media, students will use the knowledge and skills developed in Photography 1 to develop their own voice.  The student will develop major projects in self driven concentrated areas.  The student will produce works suitable for inclusion in portfolios and submit an AP 2 Design portfolio in May. Students may take this course for college credit through SCCC and AP accreditation concurrently.

  • Grade: 10 – 12
  • Prerequisites: Studio in Art and Studio in Photography I
  • Length: 40 weeks
  • Final Evaluation: Cumulative Portfolio
  • Credits: 1 high school credit and 3 college credits with the option of another 3 AP college credits (6 total) (with tuition payment)

Photography 3 | SUNY Sullivan (SCCC) (Not offered in 2024-2025)

Photography 3 is a more advanced year of portfolio development where almost all of the assignments are student driven.  Students may take this course for additional  college credit. Students can graduate with 9 College credits in Photography

  • Grade: 11 – 12
  • Prerequisites: Studio in Art and Studio in Photography 2 and permission of instructor
  • Length: 40 weeks
  • Final Evaluation: Portfolio Presentation
  • Credits: 1 high school credit and 3 college credits (with tuition payment)

Video Production (Not offered in 2024-2025)

This course is an introduction to speaking through digital video.  Students will learn how to organize shots prior to shooting, aesthetically produce work, and deliver messages through the media.  The will introduce the proper use of technology to capture and edit the works including camera use, lighting, and sound recording.  Students will capture and produce works for school activities after school hours as well.

  • Grade: 9 – 12
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Length: 40 weeks
  • Final Evaluation: Cumulative Test/Project
  • Credits: 1

Individual Arts Assessment Pathway (IAAP) In Visual Art

This offering allows students with an interest in the Arts to delve deeper into themed works and process. This student driven opportunity encompasses 3 years of study and culminates in a final submitted portfolio including goal setting, reflections and statements supporting works from each course and is a Pathway to graduation that is signified on your diploma and transcript.

Art – Independent Study

This course is mainly for Art majors. Permission of the instructor is required. The objective of this course is to allow students to make use of their knowledge of design and develop their aesthetic abilities by in-depth study in a particular area of interest. The individual student and the instructor will develop criteria and expectations on a one-to-one basis. The student may repeat Independent Study.

  • Grade: 11 – 12
  • Prerequisites: Studio in Art and permission of instructor
  • Length: 20 weeks each
  • Final Evaluation: Cumulative Test/Project
  • Credits: ½ each