• A reminder: Jan. 21-24 are testing days at Liberty High School. High school students must attend only on days they have exams scheduled. CTE students are expected to attend their programs at Sullivan County BOCES. The normal schedule is in effect for middle and elementary school students. The exam schedule has been adjusted to account for the two-hour delays on Tuesday and Wednesday and closure Thursday. Click here for more information on the testing days.
  • A new temporary traffic pattern is in effect at Liberty Elementary School. Please see details of new traffic pattern here.


Each day, our buses transports 1,060 students. The fleet travels over 2960 miles a day, transporting students. That’s over 500,000 miles each year.  Our district drivers are thoroughly trained in passenger safety and evaluated by DMV-certified inspectors regularly.

Bus Eligibility

Transportation is provided to all students living outside the 1.5 mile regulation. Questions about the school transportation program should be directed to the district’s assistant superintendent for business at 845-292-6171.

Student Conduct and Expectations

The district works closely with Rolling V Transportation to ensure our expectations are taught and enforced on the school buses delivering our students to and from school each day.

The school bus is in reality an extension of the school and student behavior will be evaluated by the same standards. Students must follow the behavioral guidelines and procedures of his or her school while boarding and riding the bus to and from school and school-sponsored activities.

The driver or bus aide will write a referral for any behavior that is inappropriate. Examples of inappropriate behavior include, but are not limited to vulgar language, refusal to comply with bus rules, harassment, inappropriate gestures to those inside and outside the bus and failure to sit in assigned seats.

Consistent or serious bus safety infractions will result in loss of transportation privileges. Students and parents are reminded that the Board of Education, the Superintendent of Schools, and/or Building Administrators have the authority to suspend the transportation riding privileges of students who are disorderly and insubordinate. In such cases, the parents of the children who are involved become responsible for seeing that their children arrive to and depart from school in a safe manner.

Here Comes The Bus bus tracking app

Liberty Central School District and transportation provider Rolling V Bus Corp. have partnered to help give parents and guardians the piece of mind of knowing where their child is through the “Here Comes the Bus” program.

Once signed up, parents and guardians can track their child’s bus through the computer or a mobile app, and get an email or push notifications once the bus gets close. If a bus is significantly off schedule, an email and push notification will also be sent.

To sign up, caregivers will need the school code, 29018, and their students’ school ID numbers, available through SchoolTool. Sign up can be done by signing in to https://login.herecomesthebus.com, and following the instructions. The mobile app can be downloaded via the Apple App Store or Google Play Store by searching “Here Comes the Bus.”

If a child has multiple last names separated by a space, the name should be input into the system with the space removed (ie Davis Jones would be DavisJones), as the system does not allow spaces.. Hyphenated names may be input as normal.

After signing up, it takes about 24 hours to be able to view the bus. At this time tracking is only available for regular morning and afternoon assigned bus routes. The app tracks the bus, not the student, so if a student is not on their regular bus, a parent or guardian will not be able to view the alternate route.

Here Comes the Bus offers several instructional videos, including How to register via desktop, How to register on a mobile device, How to add students, How to update and change notifications. More instructional videos are available on the website

There is also a page of frequently asked questions and a support page.

If parents and guardians are having difficulty tracking their child’s bus, they can reach out to Rolling V Liberty Bus Terminal at 845-292-4485 between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m.

Late Buses for After-School Activities and Sports

In addition to regular bus transportation, late buses are provided for regular bus students engaged in approved after school activities including those students assigned after school detention. The 4 p.m. bus operates on every school day. Passes to board this bus are available from the activity advisor/teacher.

The 6 p.m. bus operates every school day during sports seasons. Seasonal passes are issued to regular bus students who become members of an interscholastic sports team. At the end of the season, passes are returned to the coach. Failure to comply with pass procedures will result in disciplinary action.

Student Responsibilities

Students must sit in their assigned seats, respect others’ property, use appropriate language and keep his/her voice at a whisper to normal volume. Students are expected to listen and respond to his/her bus driver or monitors’ instructions.

Students are to be at their bus stop five minutes before their “normal” pick-up time. However, in the event a student is not at his or her stop, it is expected that the bus will still stop.

Students who are habitually late in getting to their bus stop on time will receive a referral addressing the issue, along with the parents being contacted to discuss/resolve the issue. Each bus must keep a timely schedule in order to arrive at school for unloading time.

Exceptions can be made in times of inclement weather regarding a bus’s timetable as road conditions can effect pick-up times substantially.

Video Cameras

Video cameras may be used to monitor student behavior on school vehicles transporting students to and from school or extracurricular activities. Students found violating bus conduct rules would receive disciplinary action.

Bus Passes

Bus students who need to have alternate bus arrangements made should bring a note stating what bus they need to go on, as well as contain the name and address of the person’s home to which the student is going. Passes will be issued in the morning in the school’s main office. All notes must be dated and signed by the parent.

For student safety reasons, if it is necessary to make a dismissal change via telephone, the request for this change must be received no later than 1 p.m.

Closings and Delays

The Liberty Central School District uses several different measures to notify the community about school closings, delays and dismissals:

  • Online at www.libertyk12.org
  • Announced via the district’s automated messaging system ParentSquare.
  • A taped message after the initial greeting by calling 845-292-5400
  • Announcements on radio and TV stations:
    • Radio: Bold Gold Media: THUNDER 102.1 and 104.5 FM, WSUL 98.3 FM, VOS-FM 95.9 FM, Classic Hits 105.3 FM, DNH 95.3  FM, Wayne Pike News, The River 105 and 103.5 FM, The Talker 94.3 FM, FOX Sports Network The Game, WJFF 90.5, WPDH 101.5 and 106.1, WRRV 92.7, and 96.9, Mix 97.7, Wolf 97.3 and 94.3, WRWD 107.3
    • TV: WNBC (channel 4), WNYW Fox (channel 5), Spectrum (cable 6), WABC (channel 7)

With an early dismissal, all after-school activities are cancelled.

Non-public schools

Requests for transportation to non-public schools must be submitted by parents/guardians in writing on or prior to April 1 of the preceding school year. However, a parent or guardian of a child not residing in the district on such date shall submit a written request within 30 days after establishing residency in the district. Requests must be submitted on an annual basis. A request may be denied for lack of a reasonable explanation, as determined by the Liberty Board of Education. Forms are available at nonpublic students in the Liberty Central School District and are submitted to the LCSD Superintendent for Business’ office. Forms are also available on our website.