A temporary traffic pattern is in effect at Liberty Elementary School. Please see details of new traffic pattern here.

HPAC to celebrate Valentine’s Day, Black History Month

Hurleyville Performing Arts Center invites Liberty families to celebrate special events in February with the arts organization

On Saturday, Feb. 8, HPAC will host a Someone Special Valentine’s Dance.
Attendees are invited to bring their favorite someone — a parent, sibling, grandparent, best friend — to HPAC at 219 Main St. in Hurleyville for an evening of music and dancing.

Light refreshments will be served and all ages are welcome.

The event will begin at 6 p.m. and the cost is $10 per person, with those 5 and younger admitted free.

On Saturday, Feb. 15, there will be a free community viewing of “The Six Triple Eight” in honor of Black History Month. The movie tells the story of the only all-Black, all-female battalion deployed overseas during World War II.

“Discover their courage, resilience and vital contributions to history as we honor these unsung heroes,” the flyer announced the event reads.

For more information on either event, call 845-985-4722, email info@hpacny.org or visit hpacny.org.