High school graduation measures to be topic at Sullivan BOCES info session
Sullivan BOCES will host a community information session to discuss the future of high school graduation measures in New York state from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 12, at the Sullivan BOCES Office & Conference Center at 15 Sullivan Ave. in Liberty.
Registration is required by Sept. 6 at this link.
This event is part of the ongoing efforts by the New York State Blue Ribbon Commission on Graduation Measures to gather community feedback on their recommendations for new diploma requirements.
The commission, which presented its recommendations to the Board of Regents in November, is now seeking input from educators, parents, students and community members on how to best implement these changes.
Attendees will have the opportunity to engage in small group discussions, provide valuable feedback, and help shape the future of education in New York state. Topics of discussion will be expanding learning experiences, redefining credit requirements, offering multiple means for demonstrating proficiency and more.