Month: August 2024
LCSD administrators, facilitators prepare for upcoming school year
Liberty Central School District administrators engaged in a weeklong professional development and planning workshop. They began by reviewing LCSD’s five-year Strategic Plan and the District Comprehensive Improvement Plan, focusing on strategies for effective implementation and support.
Training sessions covered various topics including the new ParentSquare communication system, recent changes in special education law, and updates on safety and incident command procedures, presented by Liberty Village Police Chief Steven D’Agata. Additionally, administrators explored restorative strategies introduced by MaryAnn Brittingham and discussed how these strategies could be implemented into their plans.
Teacher facilitators joined the retreat mid-week to participate in sessions dedicated to refining professional learning communities’ best practices. They also collaborated on finalizing and presenting the Middle School Comprehensive Education Plan, as well as the High School, Elementary School, and Student Services Priority Plans.
The retreat concluded with preparations for upcoming conference days on Sept. 3 and 4, as well as professional learning plans for the 2024-25 school year.
LCSD to offer free breakfast and lunch in 2024-25
Dear Parent or Guardian:
We are pleased to announce that all students enrolled at Liberty Central School District will be able to receive a FREE breakfast and lunch meal at school beginning on Sept. 5, 2024.
This implementation is a result of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) expanding access to the federal Community Eligibility Provision (CEP). CEP allows eligible schools participating in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs to offer school meals at no charge to all students.
What does this mean for your child(ren) attending Liberty? Effective Sept. 4, 2024, all students enrolled at Liberty Central School District will receive meals at no cost to your household. No further action is required of you.
If you have any further questions, please contact us at 845-292-5400.
Dawn Parsons, SNS
FS Director
In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.
Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.
To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at:, from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by:
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Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; or
(833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
A message from the Middle School Health Office
Dear Parent / Guardians:
I hope everyone is having a fantastic and healthy summer. It is time to think about our upcoming school year. This letter is to help prepare you and your student(s) in regard to your child’s health requirements.
Many students have medical diagnosis, take medications, or need nursing services. New York State and our school have policies and regulations in place for these needs. Following the guidelines below will ensure a quicker response to your child’s needs and help us prepare a safe, healthy environment for them.
ALL STUDENTS MUST HAVE PROOF OF IMMUNIZATIONS within 14 days of the first day of school:
- proof of their child’s up-to-date vaccinations, OR
- Provide a valid medical exemption from vaccination.
In order to attend or remain in school, children who are unvaccinated or overdue must receive at least the first dose of all required vaccines within the first 14 days. They also must receive subsequent vaccines in the series within a 14-day period of when they are due to complete the immunization series.
Students in grades 9 through 12 must meet the requirements for all immunizations.
- The Tdap (tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis) booster and MenACWY (meningococcal conjugate) vaccines.
Requirements per grade level:
5th Grade
- Heath Exam completed by NYS provider, must be completed on NYS form. Must received within first 30 days of school
6th Grade
- Tdap immunization — must be provided to school within first 14 days of school
7th Grade
- Meningococcal immunizations-must be provided to school within first 14 days of school
- Health Exam completed by NYS provider, must be completed on NYS form. Must be received within first 30 days of school
- Dental Certificate- completed by parent/ guardian and dental hygienist.
8th Grade
- If the student has not received 1st dose yet, Meningococcal immunizations must be provided to school within first 14 days of school
- If your child wants to play a sport, a Health Exam must be completed by a NYS provider and must be completed on NYS form.
Please refer to the health office link for access forms and additional information:
Medication in School
My child needs to take medication in school
- Please review the schools medication policy Medication Policy.
No child is allowed to bring a medication to school, All medications must be brought in by an adult - Please have the student’s physician complete the Liberty 2024-2025 authorization for administration of medication in school
- The physician must complete the entirety of this form
- You must complete the top portion of this form
- if the child is a self carry, Self Carry-Medication 2024-25
- Physician and parent must ALSO complete the Self-Medication Release form
- Original authorization must state self carry
Medical Conditions requiring further documentation
My Child Has Asthma and Needs a Inhaler
- Please review the schools medication policy
- Please have the following completed
- Asthma Action Plan
- If your child requires medication please follow above guidelines for medication administration
- Medication Form 24-25
- Self Carry-Medication 2024-25
My Child has a Seizure Disorder
- Please have the following completed
- Seizure Action Plan ( may use what your physician provides) or Seizure Disorder care plan
- If your child requires medication please follow above guidelines for medication administration Medication Form 2024-25
My Child has a life threatening allergy
- Please complete the following
- If your child requires medication please follow the the approved guidelines for medication administration Medication Form 2024-25
My Child has Diabetes
- Please complete the following
- Diabetes Medical Management Plan
- Endocrinologist orders
- If your child requires medication please follow the the approved guidelines for medication administration Medication Form 2024-25
My Child has additional medical needs
- Contact the Health office to discus if further documentation is needed
I hope this checklist will better help both you as the parent and me prepare for your child’s arrival next year. All medical forms must be completed each year, as each medical order is only good for that school year.
If you have any questions or need help obtaining any of the above forms please feel free to contact me.
Melissa Funcheon Kolarik, RN
845-292-5400, ext. 2316
845-292-1714- Fax
A message from the High School Health Office
Dear Parent / Guardians:
I hope everyone is having a fantastic and healthy summer. It is time to think about our upcoming school year. This letter is to help prepare you and your student(s) in regard to your child’s health requirements.
Many students have medical diagnosis, take medications, or need nursing services. New York State and our school have policies and regulations in place for these needs. Following the guidelines below will ensure a quicker response to your child’s needs and help us prepare a safe, healthy environment for them.
ALL STUDENTS MUST HAVE PROOF OF IMMUNIZATIONS within 14 days of the first day of school:
- proof of their child’s up-to-date vaccinations, OR
- Provide a valid medical exemption from vaccination.
In order to attend or remain in school, children who are unvaccinated or overdue must receive at least the first dose of all required vaccines within the first 14 days. They also must receive subsequent vaccines in the series within a 14-day period of when they are due to complete the immunization series.
Students in grades 9 through 12 must meet the requirements for all immunizations.
- The Tdap (tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis) booster and MenACWY (meningococcal conjugate) vaccines.
Requirements per grade level:
9th Grade
- Heath Exam completed by NYS provider, must be completed on NYS form.
- Must be received within the first 30 days of school.
- Dental Certificate
10th Grade
- If your child wants to play a sport, a Health Exam must be completed by a NYS provider and must be completed on NYS form.
11th Grade
- Health Exam completed by NYS provider, must be completed on NYS form.
- Must be received within first 30 days of school
- Dental Certificate
12th Grade
- If the student has not received the 2nd dose yet, Meningococcal immunizations must be provided to school within the first 14 days of school. *(2 doses or 1 dose ONLY if the first dose was received at age 16 years or older.)
- If your child wants to play a sport, a Health Exam must be completed by a NYS provider and must be completed on NYS form.
Please refer to the health office link for access forms and additional information:
Medication in School
My child needs to take medication in school
- Please review the schools medication policy Medication Policy.
No child is allowed to bring a medication to school, All medications must be brought in by an adult - Please have the student’s physician complete the Liberty 2024-2025 authorization for administration of medication in school
- The physician must complete the entirety of this form
- You must complete the top portion of this form
- if the child is a self carry, Self Carry-Medication 2024-25
- Physician and parent must ALSO complete the Self-Medication Release form
- Original authorization must state self carry
Medical Conditions requiring further documentation
My Child Has Asthma and Needs a Inhaler
- Please review the schools medication policy
- Please have the following completed
- Asthma Action Plan
- If your child requires medication please follow above guidelines for medication administration
- Medication Form 24-25
- Self Carry-Medication 2024-25
My Child has a Seizure Disorder
- Please have the following completed
- Seizure Action Plan ( may use what your physician provides) or Seizure Disorder care plan
- If your child requires medication please follow above guidelines for medication administration Medication Form 2024-25
My Child has a life threatening allergy
- Please complete the following
- If your child requires medication please follow the the approved guidelines for medication administration Medication Form 2024-25
My Child has Diabetes
- Please complete the following
- Diabetes Medical Management Plan
- Endocrinologist orders
- If your child requires medication please follow the the approved guidelines for medication administration Medication Form 2024-25
My Child has additional medical needs
- Contact the Health office to discus if further documentation is needed
I hope this checklist will better help both you as the parent and me prepare for your child’s arrival next year. All medical forms must be completed each year, as each medical order is only good for that school year.
If you have any questions or need help obtaining any of the above forms please feel free to contact me.
Megan Molusky RN
845-292-5400, ext. 2016
845-292-0727 Fax
A message from the superintendent
Dear families,
A lawsuit was recently filed against the district related to a personnel decision made in the 2018-19 school year. We are reviewing the complaint with our school attorneys. With this litigation ongoing, we don’t have more information to share at this time.
Dr. Patrick Sullivan